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Visual Studio Full Screen Mode

Is it possible to remove VS's menu from the full screen mode Shift + Alt + Enter

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Kevin Avatar asked Jan 27 '10 23:01


People also ask

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To get the maximum bit of screen real estate available, you can put your Visual Studio edit window in full-screen mode by selecting View | Full screen (or just pressing Shift+Alt+Enter).

2 Answers

Microsoft released this extension that hides the menu bars.

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Yuri Astrakhan Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Yuri Astrakhan

Someone else found a way to do it, but it apperently was buggy: http://www.vbdotnetforums.com/ide/34228-real-fullscreen-hide-menu.html

Maybe follow the Microsoft link and see if the bug was fixed, or try the code again in the newest versions of VS.

Edit: Also, this is probably not what you are wanting, but if you didn't know, you can double click an opened file's tab, making it a popout window, then double click it's title bar again and it will fullscreen just that file. There is no menu, but the bar at the top still exists.

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AaronLS Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
