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Source Control Association Bindings Problem

I've started working on an existing project at my company that was check into VSS 6.0 about a month ago. It was built using Visual Studio 2005 and C# and references all point to .NET 2.0. I went into VSS and set my working folder as per usual and got the latest version. I've opened this project at which point I'm prompted with this:

The solution appears to be under source control, but its binding information cannot be found. It is possible that the MSSCCPRJ.SCC file or another item that holds the source control settings for the solution, has been deleted. Because it is not possible to recover this missing information automatically, the projects whose bindings are missing will be treated as not under source control.

I click "OK" and that prompt is directly followed by this one:

The associated source control plug-in is not installed or could not be initialized.

That presents me with these options:

  1. Temporarily work uncontrolled.
  2. Permanently remove source control association bindings

How can I rectify this situation? I'd like the project to remain in VSS under control. Any Ideas?

like image 857
Mr. Smith Avatar asked Aug 14 '09 12:08

Mr. Smith

People also ask

How do I change source control in Visual Studio?

Open the solution in Visual Studio. Right-click the solution file and choose Check Out. Choose File > Source Control > Change Source Control. The Change Source Control dialog box opens.

2 Answers

Go to File -> Source Control -> Change Source Control, then select each project that you have under VSS and "Bind" it to the correct directory in VSS, it will prompt you for vss user name and password

like image 131
Jaime Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09


instead of rebinding 100s of files, have a look at this solution: http://regev.wordpress.com/2008/03/29/binding-to-source-control-issue/

"instead of getting the latest version through the source control client, you should have opened Visual Studio and choose: File|Source Control|Open from Source Control… this would have created the solution on the second machine with no binding problems."

like image 21
Axel Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09
