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New posts in variant

type inference var

c# types var variant

Is it possible to use std::visit without lambdas (just a simple class)? [closed]

Can a Variant property have default value?

Missing javaCompileTask for variant

android gradle variant

Remove_if with vector containing variants

c++ c++17 variant

Get type of a std::variant member at a given index during compile time

c++ c++17 variant

Converting COM Object interface from C to Delphi

How to pass SAFEARRAY to COM object through IDispatch?

winapi com variant safearray

C++ leak with VARIANT / bstrVal code

Why does this get_index implementation fail on VS2017?

noexcept visitation for std::variant

c++ c++17 variant noexcept

Calling RNGCrypto From COM's DOTNET Class From PHP

php .net com reference variant

boost variant busted in 1_54?

c++ boost c++11 variant

A std::visit-like function for visiting over polymorphic types

Bad conversion from EndOfTheMonth(date) to Variant value

Is there a way to have variants in C# besides using the visitor pattern?

c# variant visitor-pattern

Using std::variant in g++

c++ stl g++ variant

Get item by index from boost::variant like it's possible with std::variant

Clang claims constexpr member of generic lambda argument is not constexpr

Boost variant get fail

c++ boost variant