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New posts in variadic-functions

C/C++ va_arg - Is there a way to skip an argument?

c++ c variadic-functions

most elegant variadic functor

What was the origin of Variadic Functions?

Clojure and JavaFX 2 -- passing multiple-arity arguments to JavaFX methods

java: reference to .. is ambiguous, both method method1 and method2 in ... match [duplicate]

C++11 variable argument alignment

Is it bad style or incorrect to access va_arg macro by reference?

Why List<Integer[]> listOfArrays = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{1, 2}) doesn't compile? [duplicate]

java variadic-functions

Overloading the End of Recursion for a Variable Length Template Function

Swizzling a method with variable arguments and forward the message - Bad Access

C++ varargs - Is how I am using them okay or are they bad? Is there a good alternative?

Call a function with variadic arguments using parameter pack expansion, but modify th i-th parameter

Cython equivalent of c define #define myfunc(node x,...) SetNode(x.getattributeNode(),__VA_ARGS__)

Variadic function template base case: without parameters or with one?

C - Pass multiple function addresses as parameters in a variadic function

Smalltalk Variadic functions

Class.getMethod when parameter is varargs

bug with varargs and overloading?

Which method is called? (Integer... a) vs. (int a, int b)

how to create functions with variable arguments in javascript?