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Which method is called? (Integer... a) vs. (int a, int b)

I just found out about a very interesting Java trick:

void method1(Integer... a){

So you can give this method as many integers as you want.

Now if I have a similar (overloaded) method like this:

void method1(int a, int b){


Which method runs when I execute the following line:

method1(1, 2);

Well, I could find that out very easily by just testing it out with different method instructions but when I think about the "rules" in "overloading" methods then I have to make sure that every overloaded method must be identical so that the compiler knows exactly which one to use.

In my opinion, the code above shouldn't work because the compiler should be confused. But when I try it out it works.

So.. does anyone know a bit more background information about this?

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aeduG Avatar asked Aug 03 '12 21:08


People also ask

What is difference between Integer and int?

A int is a data type that stores 32 bit signed two's compliment integer. On other hand Integer is a wrapper class which wraps a primitive type int into an object. int helps in storing integer value into memory. Integer helps in converting int into object and to convert an object into int as per requirement.

What is integer type in Java?

int: By default, the int data type is a 32-bit signed two's complement integer, which has a minimum value of -231 and a maximum value of 231-1. In Java SE 8 and later, you can use the int data type to represent an unsigned 32-bit integer, which has a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 232-1.

Can int be used as Integer?

Technically, int and Integer themselves are not interchangeable and one cannot be used where the other is required. However, autoboxing allows implicit conversion between the two.

Is Integer the same as int in Java?

In Java, int is a primitive data type while Integer is a Wrapper class. int, being a primitive data type has got less flexibility. We can only store the binary value of an integer in it. Since Integer is a wrapper class for int data type, it gives us more flexibility in storing, converting and manipulating an int data.

3 Answers

To determine which method should be called, the compiler goes through the following list, as detailed in the JLS #5.3 and JLS #15.12.2:

  • an identity conversion (§5.1.1) => method1(int a, int b)
  • a widening primitive conversion (§5.1.2)
  • a widening reference conversion (§5.1.5)
  • a boxing conversion (§5.1.7) optionally followed by widening reference conversion ==> method1(Integer... a)
  • an unboxing conversion (§5.1.8) optionally followed by a widening primitive conversion.

In your case, the first point applies and method1(int, int) is called.

(To be more precise, your method uses varags and has a lower priority than a simple boxing conversion. In other words, if there were a method1(Integer a, Integer b) it would come before method1(Integer... a) in the hierarchy)

Why is it so? A comment in 15.12.2 give a hint:

This guarantees that any calls that were valid in the Java programming language before Java SE 5.0 are not considered ambiguous as the result of the introduction of variable arity methods, implicit boxing and/or unboxing.

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assylias Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 12:10


The second method wins. According to the Java Language Specification (pdf),

The first phase (§ performs overload resolution without permitting boxing or unboxing conversion, or the use of variable arity method invocation.

If an applicable method is found during this stage, that method wins; no further search is performed. In your case, it happens to be the second method, because the first one is a variable arity method that also requires boxing.

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Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 14:10

Sergey Kalinichenko

I'm half guessing, but like thinksteep said, Integer... is actually treated as an Integer array, which implies that your method call would have to do two coercions to make it match the first method (boxing the ints to Integers, and treating your argument list as an array rather than simply two different arguments). Whereas, no coercions are required to make it match the second method.

OK, I can see several others have already quoted the JLS with more specificity than I have provided, while I was typing this out.

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Kevin Welker Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10

Kevin Welker