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New posts in variadic-functions

Java function with "..." in parameter list from Scala

C++ SFINAE Resolution Order

how to pass variable arguments from one function to other in tcl

tcl variadic-functions

Use the parameters of a function that takes any number of parameters, in C

C : write a function doesn't know how many parameter

Double variable argument list

Handling variadic arguments function calls in Matlab

matlab variadic-functions

How do I handle a variable number of arguments passed to a function in Racket?

Method overloading with variable argument

java variadic-functions

Scala: Why can't a method have multiple vararg arguments?

scala variadic-functions

possible buffer overflow vulnerability for va_list in C?

Why does passing null to varargs give length 1?

java variadic-functions

Is it OK to recursively parse the args in a va_list?

c++ variadic-functions

getting the type of parameters passed in a variable arguments list

Implicit conversion of a variadic template class in a variadic function

Problem passing a reference as a named parameter to a variadic function

How does the Java compiler choose the runtime type for a parameterized type with multiple bounds?