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New posts in utf-8

Arabic characters in URL while sharing on Twitter

mysql2 gem 0.3.15 gives ASCII-8BIT with encoding set to "utf8"

enabling UTF-8 encoding for clojure source files

is PHP str_word_count() multibyte safe?

php utf-8 utf

character encoding in HTML file upload

read.csv() with UTF-8 encoding [duplicate]

r utf-8 read.csv

How to force UTF-8 encoding in browser?

Is it possible to get GCC to compile UTF-8 with BOM source files?

gcc utf-8 g++ byte-order-mark

iconv(): Detected an incomplete multibyte character in input string

php utf-8

How to make MySQL aware of multi-byte characters in LIKE and REGEXP?

What does set_locale(LC_CTYPE, 'C'); actually do?

php utf-8 ctype setlocale

Emacs, unicode, xterm mouse escape sequences, and wide terminals

emacs unicode utf-8 mouse xterm

Does VC have a compile option like '-fexec-charset' in GCC to set the execution character set?

Is there a way to change Python's open() default text encoding?

Python converting latin1 to UTF8 [duplicate]

UTF-8 string not decoded correctly in AngularJS

Write text file in appending (utf-8 encoded) in VB6

utf-8 vb6 append text-files

read resourcebundle as UTF-8. getString() Method seems to change encoding to ISO-8859

What are the limitations of primitive character types in D?

java.sql.SQLException: Incorrect string value: '\xF3\xBE\x8D\x81'

java mysql utf-8