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New posts in utf-8

String corrupted or preg_match bug?

php utf-8

latin-1 vs unicode in python

python unicode utf-8 latin1

How do I deal with characters unsupported by the font file when using imagettftext()?

php utf-8 fonts gd imagettftext

Issues running JScript or VBScript files with UTF-8 encoding thru Windows Script Host

Redirect to UTF-8 URL with ColdFusion

Text::SpellChecker module and Unicode

perl unicode utf-8 perl-module

TRestClient/TRestRequest incorrectly decodes gzip response

Classic ASP and UTF-8

R: Converting "special" letters into UTF-8?

Converting encoding of deparsed strings

r string text utf-8

How to check character encoding of a file in Linux

Enable to decode/encode correctly 𐑖𐑱𐑝𐑾𐑯 π‘¨π‘€π‘“π‘©π‘šπ‘§π‘‘ from bytes in python 3.7.3

python utf-8 decode cesu-8

mb_convert_encoding for russian in php

How to decode a string that has been UTF-8 encoded twice to simple UTF-8?

c# mysql utf-8

Optimized regex for N words around a given word (UTF-8)

php regex utf-8 pcre

Perl LWP::UserAgent mishandling UTF-8 response

perl unicode utf-8

Convert QString into QByteArray with either UTF-8 or Latin1 encoding

c++ qt utf-8 latin1 qbytearray

OrientDB having trouble with Unicode, Turkish, and enums

Spring util:properties - can you change the encoding to UTF-8?

spring utf-8 properties

Arabic Character Encoding Issue: UTF-8 versus Windows-1256