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New posts in utf-8

C++ ShiftJIS to UTF8 conversion

Replacing special characters from different encodings in r

UTF8 byte[] to string conversion

Django uses ANSI_X3.4-1968 encoding instead of UTF-8

python django encoding utf-8

Some Unicode characters not displayed in RMarkdown PDF output

r utf-8 latex knitr r-markdown

UTF-16 codepoint counting in python

How to "normalize" python 3 unicode string

Script with utf-8 text runs differently from RStudio and command line in Windows

r regex windows utf-8

Change python 3.7 default encoding from cp1252 to cp65001 aka UTF-8

Ruby CSV BOM|UTF-8 encoding for StringIO

How to tell if text on the windows clipboard is ISO 8859 or UTF-8 in C++?

c++ windows utf-8 clipboard

How to set Google App Engine java Content-Type to UTF-8

Character encoding changes after window.open()

Read UTF-16 chars from a file and store them as UTF-8

java file utf-8

Who does the conversion on copy/paste?

Persisting utf-8 data with Doctrine2 in Symfony2

is unicode( codecs.BOM_UTF8, "utf8" ) necessary in Python 2.7/3?

Array of bytes to UTF-8 string in PHP? [closed]

php utf-8

Browser support for UTF-8 symbols

Read a CSV file in UTF-8 format

java csv utf-8