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New posts in unsafe

C# unsafe code fixed pointer passed as parameter

c# fixed unsafe

Is mutable accessor using a cast safe?

rust unsafe

Should I mingle my safe code with my unsafe code?

c# unsafe

Cannot convert uint* to uint[]

c# arrays pointers unsafe

Unsafe string creation from char[]

c# string performance unsafe

c++ additive identity unsafe example ( a+0.0 != a )

c++ floating-point unsafe

Difference between Marshal.SizeOf and sizeof, I just don't get it

c# unmanaged unsafe

Fixing an array of array in C# (unsafe code)

c# interop fixed unsafe

Why is my unsafe code block slower than my safe code?

c# unsafe writeablebitmap

How to safely reinterpret Vec<f64> as Vec<num_complex::Complex<f64>> with half the size?

rust unsafe

Marshal.PtrToStringUni() vs new String()?

How do I use unsafe values in an enum?

c# interop enums unsafe

C# creating buffer overflow

c# overflow buffer unsafe

Publish web application with unsafe code

c# asp.net publishing unsafe

What is the actual function of the C# project setting "Allow unsafe code"

c# dll interop native unsafe

Delphi: Object aggregation and memory leaks using [weak] attribute

Does std::ptr::write transfer the "uninitialized-ness" of the bytes it writes?

Is there any difference between null and 0 when assigning to pointers in unsafe code?

c# unsafe

Fast read C structure when it contains char array

Which is faster - C# unsafe code or raw C++