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New posts in unit-of-work

Using asynchronous save changes on Entity Framework with multiple contexts

What's the intent of the Rollback method in the Unit of Work pattern?

Unit of Work, Entity Framework DBContext Scope

Symfony & Doctrine : UnitOfWork undefined index after calling flush()

Is it a good idea to wrap my DbContext in a Unit of Work class?

Why is it bad to implicitly commit a Unit of Work in a Dispose() method?

Entity framework 6 providing repositories and UoW out of the box

The unit of work pattern within a asp.net mvc application

IUnitOfWork how to use - best practice

PetaPoco + unit of work + repository pattern

Why the database data is not being updated but object did and without error?

Unity framework - reusing instance

Preparing for multiple EF contexts on a unit of work - TransactionScope

Looking for a Ninject scope that behaves like InRequestScope

How to attache detached entity in Doctrine?

Entity Framework 4 - Where to put "ApplyCurrentValues" Logic?

EF4 with MVC3 - Do I need The Repository Pattern?

Unit of Work with Repository Pattern MVC 5 & EF 6 [closed]

Entity Framework and Unit of Work

Managing Transactions either in service layer or repository layer?