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The unit of work pattern within a asp.net mvc application

I have been looking at this excellant blog titled "NHibernate and the Unit of Work Pattern" and have a question regarding the best place to use UnitOfWork.Start in a asp.net mvc project.

My SLN is broken down into the following projects:-

 MVC project

I have an interface:-

 public interface INameRepository
       IList<Name> GetByOrigin(int OriginId)

I have a concrete implementation

     public class NameRepository : INameRepository
          public  IList<Name> GetByOrigin(int OriginId) {
                using (UnitOfWork.Start()) {
                     var query = session.Linq<...
                     return query;

My question is do I wrap all my methods inside all my repositories with using(UnitOfWork.Start()) or is there a better approach?

I am using nHibernate, asp.net mvc.

like image 492
Fred Smith Avatar asked Dec 30 '09 19:12

Fred Smith

1 Answers

With the unit of work pattern, you don't put every dataaccess method in a separate unit of work. You use the unit of work around the whole work that needs to be done, which is in most cases in a web application a webrequest. The idea is that a request can fail, or succeed. When you add 2 items to the database during one request, the should be both added, or not. Not just one of them. In most cases, the easiest way to start a unit of work in a mvc (or other web) application is in the begin and end request methods of the global.asax

class Global

        var unit = servicelocater.Get<Unitofwork>();

class Repository<T>
     public Repository(INHibernateUnitofwork unitofwork)
         this.unitofwork = unitofwork;

     public void Add(T entity)
like image 106
Paco Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
