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New posts in petapoco

PetaPoco and output parameters from stored procedures?

Is there a way for me to access a C# class attribute?

c# petapoco

Return Json Using PetaPoco Dynamic & WebAPI

How to set auto incremented id to another column with using Peta Poco

c# sql-server petapoco

Prevent PetaPoco from recognizing variables as input parameters

mysql sql petapoco

petapoco insert problem

orm petapoco

Peta Poco: How to pass multiple parameters to a Fetch<T>

c# .net-4.5 petapoco

Exception Details: System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: meth when running


Add/Insert style of petapoco vs dapper

dapper petapoco

PetaPoco.Database implements IDisposable, so why don't most examples have a 'using' statement?

PetaPoco Transaction in Multithread Env


PetaPoco vs NPoco

c# nuget petapoco npoco

PetaPoco + unit of work + repository pattern

Is PetaPoco deprecated? should I use NPoco now? (2013 Q3)

petapoco npoco

Have I misunderstood the PetaPoco.IgnoreAttribute?

c# petapoco

PetaPoco and Many-to-One, One-to-Many and Many-to-Many relations

PostgreSQL: 42883 Operator does not exist: timestamp without time zone = text

c# postgresql npgsql petapoco

PETAPOCO - Invalid object name

Bulk insert/Update with Petapoco
