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New posts in petapoco

Pass table value param to stored procedure using PetaPoco

How to unit test service that is using PetaPoco.Database

PetaPoco - setting transaction isolation level

c# transactions petapoco

How to modify PetaPoco class to work with Composite key comprising of non-numeric columns?

c# .net petapoco

PetaPoco insert fails on table with trigger

sql-server petapoco

Can the multimapping of Petapoco handle multiple JOINs?

join mapping dapper petapoco

PetaPoco Insert - Fastest Method?

.net database insert petapoco

Mapping to collection in PetaPoco?

c# petapoco

In PetaPoco, how to decorate a table that has multi-columns primary keys


PetaPoco - Multiple result set support

c# petapoco micro-orm

Parameter '@home' specified but none of the passed arguments...Error message


What is the difference between Fetch and Query?

c# petapoco

Best strategies when working with micro ORM?

c# orm dapper petapoco massive

Execute stored procedure with PetaPoco

how to create a DAL using petapoco [closed]


Does PetaPoco handle enums?

orm petapoco

How to check a var for null value?

c# .net c#-4.0 .net-4.0 petapoco

How do I use the SQL WHERE IN construct with PetaPoco?

orm petapoco npoco