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Parameter '@home' specified but none of the passed arguments...Error message



I am having an sql statement as follows:

SELECT [User].[ID], 
FROM [User] 
WHERE Email = '[email protected]'' 

and it's firing an error as follows from petaPOCO:

Parameter '@home' specified but none of the passed arguments have a property with this name (in 'SELECT [User].[ID], [User].[Name], [User].[Email] FROM [User] WHERE Email = '[email protected]'')

what does the error message implies? What is wrong with the sql statement? Does petaPOCO not accept '@' in an sql statement?I need to do a search by email address.

like image 385
learning Avatar asked Mar 09 '12 06:03


1 Answers

You need to put two @ symbols to escape the character since it is used to prefix parameters normally.

So your value would need to be 'user@@home.com'.

like image 51
patmortech Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 23:11
