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PETAPOCO - Invalid object name

I am using CTE with PetaPOCO and getting a strange error
SQL Exception: Invalid Object Name PayTransactionForRollingVacationAverage that references the model that the data should map to.

The code is as follows.

public IEnumerable<PayTransactionForRollingVacationAverage> GetPayTransactionForRollingVacationAverage(DateTime payEndingDate)
        PointsNorth.PetaPoco.Sql sql = new PointsNorth.PetaPoco.Sql();
            ;with HolidayWeeks as
                Select Distinct EmployeeId, PayEndDate, 'Y' as HolidayWeek
                  from PayTransactions
                 where PayEndDate = @payEndingDate
                   and LaborCode in ('251', '249')
            )", new { payEndingDate });

              from PayTransactions PT
                Left Outer Join PayCodes on PayCodes.PayCodeCode = PT.LaborCode
                Left Outer Join HolidayWeeks as H on H.PayEndDate = PT.PayEndDate and H.EmployeeId = PT.EmployeeId
                Inner Join Jobs as J on J.JobId = PT.JobId
            where PT.PayEndDate = @payEndingDate 
              and IsNull(H.HolidayWeek, 'N') <> 'Y'
            order by PT.EmployeeId, PT.PayEndDate, J.JobClass", new { payEndingDate });

        var data = Database.Query<PayTransactionForRollingVacationAverage>(sql);

        return data;

The model is pretty simple:

public class PayTransactionForRollingVacationAverage
        public long EmployeeId { get; set; } 
        public DateTime PayEndDate { get; set; } 
        public string JobClass { get; set; }
        public string AverageRateCode { get; set; }
        public decimal RegularHours { get; set; } 
        public decimal RegularRate { get; set; } 
        public decimal RegularAmount { get; set; }         

I tried breaking the SQL up to make sure it was building correctly, but I still get the error. Any idea why this is occurring?

like image 915
InvisibleDog Avatar asked May 22 '13 15:05


2 Answers

Remove the whitespace before the semi-colon.

According to Alex Jorgenson's link, this is fixed if you make a semi-colon the very first character. According to my testing, this is strictly the first character, i.e. if there is even some whitespace before the semi-colon, the auto-generated code will still be spit out.

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David Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09


This is a known issue with Peta Poco. It appears to be fixed in some version but I don't know which one. You can find more information and a work around for this particular issue at https://github.com/toptensoftware/PetaPoco/issues/22

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Alex Jorgenson Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Alex Jorgenson