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New posts in uniqueidentifier

Web Service to return unique auto incremented human readable id number

How is application ID used by Xcode when building/signing the application?

NewSequentialId on UniqueIdentifier Clustered Index

Creating a Globally Unique Android Identifier

how to uniquely identify a client from server-side?

Mifare cards: distinguish between 4-byte and 7-byte UIDs

Generating a unique reference number strategies

Is it a good idea to template based on enums?

c++ enums uniqueidentifier

Create a unique and seemingly random 5 character string

What is the normal way to create a unique ID for POP3 emails?

Convert string variable to GUID

How to assign identical unique IDs to matching observations between two dataframes in r?

r matching uniqueidentifier

Git repository unique id

git uuid uniqueidentifier

Get Static NFC Tag Id with HCE mode

Shortest possible generated unique ID

How should I generate unique IDs for a bunch of objects?

How to set a field to keep a row unique in lucene?

lucene uniqueidentifier

PL/pgSQL column name the same as variable

Unique System ID in Ruby ...?

Why does aspnet_users use guid for id rather than incrementing int? bonus points for help on extending user fields