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New posts in uniqueidentifier

Algorithms: random unique string

Backbone/Underscore uniqueId() Odd Numbers

iOS in-app purchase's receipt string explained

Allowing duplicate uniqueidentifiers in SQL Server 2008?

How to generate a host unique ID?

Clustered/non-clustered index on unique identifier column in SQL Server

How to reset AtomicInteger unique Id in Android?

Won't Vimeo.com Run out of ID's very soon?

Using new Date() as unique identifier

Programmatically display iPhone/iPad UDID

How I can generate the unique ID in laravel?

Which properties of android.os.Build are fixed?

Android: Advertising ID vs. unique Android ID

Is there a way to verify that an Identifier for Vendor (IDFV) is valid?

java get unique server ID for reference

Locally unique identifier

PHP session IDs -- how are they generated? [duplicate]

Is it possible to access NFC API in HTML5 applications?