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New posts in smartcard-reader

How are PCSC smart card reader 'friendly names' constructed?

Unable to read PAN from debit card using EMV contactless (Interac Flash)

differences between pcsc-lite and libnfc

Getting Parser error on request for GPO command for EMV card

Set own authentication keys MiFare Classic with APDU C#

Extended APDUs and T=0/1 communication protocols

getting an android phone detected by an NFC reader/writer (Basic NFC)

Listing all Smart Card Readers on a system (Alcor Micro reader issues)

Is it possible to send Pseudo-APDU commands while card is not present?

SmartCard reader "Access denied" while claiming interface with Webusb on chrome

What is the meaning of 6E 00 when I send a command to a SmartCard

Mifare cards: distinguish between 4-byte and 7-byte UIDs

What is the easiest way to get track data off a simple USB HID magnetic card reader?

Parse CV Rule from CVM List for EMV

How to read a smart card/ microprocessor card using a smart card reader in android programmatically

Send APDU command to card through HID OMNIKEY 5427 CK

Get card type from ATR

How to interact with a smart card in Java?

Is it possible to access NFC API in HTML5 applications?