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New posts in contactless-smartcard

Can a JavaCard emulate a MIFARE Ultralight or NTAG NFC tag?

bytes automatically send by Android - NFC to an emulated card

ISO 14443 Type A Card Read/Write using Android

What's the difference between DESFire and DESFire EV1 cards?

Contactless Payments: Detect Mobile Device or Card

Unable to read PAN from debit card using EMV contactless (Interac Flash)

How does EMV encrypt the contactless transaction?

Getting Parser error on request for GPO command for EMV card

Set own authentication keys MiFare Classic with APDU C#

Android NFC: Exception "transceive failed" when using transceive()

IOException with Host based card emulation

Android responds to PN532 InListPassiveTarget

APDU command to read credit card data from visa Paywave NFC enabled card using Samsung Galaxy S4

Mifare cards: distinguish between 4-byte and 7-byte UIDs

Locking mechanism of Mifare Classic 1K

Card emulation via software NFC

How to send APDU to Mifare Classic 1k card?