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New posts in uniqueidentifier

18 Digit Unique ID - Code reliability

c# asp.net uniqueidentifier

Unique ID with time()

php time uniqueidentifier

Find Mac OSX serial number

generate UUID of long type

java uuid uniqueidentifier

Excel 2007 - Generate unique ID based on text?

High performance unique timestamp id for multiple threads in Haskell

How do I generate a session ID in Node.js?

NFC tags unique ID

What would be a good order id scheme for a e-commerce solution or paid web service?

Keychain doesn't retain the data after app gets update from iTunes

Best way to get a unique identifier in C# [duplicate]

c# uniqueidentifier

Changing manually $(AppIdentifierPrefix) property?

Is there a simple way to create a unique integer key from a two-integer composite key?

Passing uniqueidentifier parameter to Stored Procedure

How to recognize specific apk build, even if user update apk in Google Play

Is it possible to create a Unique ID in an SQL Server View that will remain the same each time the view is called?

Generating a Not-Quite-Globally Unique Identifier

php unique identifier for clients

php mysql uniqueidentifier