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New posts in uniqueidentifier

Using GUIDs in Primary Keys / Clusted Indexes

Get last inserted UNIQUEIDENTIFIER in SQL Server 2000

How to create table with Unique Identifier field in MySQL?

Using Python's UUID to generate unique IDs, should I still check for duplicates?

Contact-less card through an OmniKey, how to get "UID"?

What are the experiences with using unicode in identifiers

unicode uniqueidentifier

How to use System.Guid.Parse in framework 3.5

Does md5 have any uniqueness guarantee for short strings (finite number of strings)?

Is an ASHWID guaranteed to uniquely identify a device?

How to generate a unique identifier of a fixed length in Java?

java uniqueidentifier

Will using a substring of an MD5 hash like this be unique enough?

php md5 uniqueidentifier

libpaypalmpl.a is using uniqueidentifier and apple reject reject the app

Generating unique and opaque user IDs in Google App Engine

Printing unique object identity for debugging purposes in Java

How to get cpu-id in java?

How to detect if any external libraries are calling [UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]?

Using uniqueidentifiers/guids as custom properties in log4net

uniqid() in javascript/jquery?

Can I get an Android device ID through a mobile website?

iOS7 app backward compatible with iOS5 regarding unique identifier