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New posts in uidevice

How to obtain extensive battery info in iOS?

ios battery uidevice

Retrieving the serial number from the device

How to get correct battery level and battery status-ios?

ios objective-c uidevice

Cygwin equivalent of Linux /dev/sda, /dev/sdb etc

Where should i put the function?

ios swift uidevice

UIDevice does not work in swift 2.0

ios swift uidevice

How do I detect which iOS device my user is using?

get list of installed applications on iphone objective-c

UIDevice currentDevice's "orientation" always null

How to detect if any external libraries are calling [UIDevice currentDevice] uniqueIdentifier]?

UUID for app on iOS5 [duplicate]

ios5 uuid uidevice

Keep display on when the proximity sensor is covered

How to deal with `Use of undeclared identifier 'UIDevice'`

ios xcode uikit uidevice

Any way to get the name of iPhone user?

How do I detect orientation on app launch for splash screen animation on iPad!

how to deal with UIDeviceOrientationFaceUp and UIDeviceOrientationFaceDown?

Know if iOS device has cellular data capabilities

API to determine whether running on iPhone or iPad [duplicate]