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New posts in unique-key

MySQL: UNIQUE text field using additional HASH field

SQL Server ignore_dup_key on apparently ignored for merge statement

mysql insert on duplicate key update, check which one occurred

How to make empty string as null value to allow duplicate empty strings in optional field?

Solr 5.1.0: How to set the unique key via Schema API

solr schema unique-key

In Cassandra, if I run a query that increments a counter, then selects from that counter is that atomic?

MySQL unique column string

how to get PC unique id?

MySQL Duplicate entry for key on UPDATE

mysql unique-key

MyISAM unique keys being cut off at 64 bytes, causing collisions

how to generate unique id in php based on current data and time?

Unique key on whole mysql table?

Django & South: Custom field methods are not executed when doing obj.save() in a data migration

Creating a unique key based on file content in python

Unique System ID in Ruby ...?

Math question regarding Python's uuid4

MySQL truncates composed unique index to 64 characters

How do I generate a session ID in Node.js?