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New posts in unique-index

Conditional Unique index on h2 database

oracle h2 unique-index

MongoDB - unique multikey index not working as expected

mongodb unique-index

Creating a Primary Key or Unique Index on a URL Column

Hibernate throws unique constraint violation exception while updating field part of unique key

MyISAM unique keys being cut off at 64 bytes, causing collisions

Enforcement of unique/primary key - drop index

Can not drop UNIQUE index from table

sql sql-server unique-index

email as _id in a MongoDB user collection

MySQL Views in Navicat - How to define 'primary key'?

PostgreSQL: unique constraint or unique index

How wrong is it to have a unique and normal index on the same column?

mysql indexing unique-index

In MYSQL, what does it mean when there are duplicate indices where everything but key_name is the same?

cakephp isUnique for 2 fields?

How can I constrain multiple columns to prevent duplicates, but ignore null values?

Is there any way to make a UNIQUE index case insensitive in Mysql 5.1.x ?

mysql unique-index

How to partition MySQL table by column that is not in the unique index

How to Create Unique Index for Existing table in MySQL which contains Records

Add constraint to make column unique per group of rows

Advantage of a unique index in MongoDB

MySQL Make a combination of columns unique

mysql unique-index