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Why does aspnet_users use guid for id rather than incrementing int? bonus points for help on extending user fields

Why does aspnet_users use guid for id rather than incrementing int?

Also is there any reason no to use this in other tables as the primary key? It feels a bit odd as I know most apps I've worked with in the past just use the normal int system.

I'm also about to start using this id to match against an extended details table for extra user prefs etc. I was also considering using a link table with a guid and an int in it, but decided that as I don't think I actually need to have user id as a public int.

Although I would like to have the int (feels easier to do a user lookup etc stackoverflow.com/users/12345/user-name ) , as I am just going to have the username, I don't think I need to carry this item around, and incure the extra complexity of lookups when I need to find a users int.

Thanks for any help with any of this.

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Chris Barry Avatar asked Nov 04 '09 21:11

Chris Barry

1 Answers

It ensures uniqueness across disconnected systems. Any data store which may need to interface with another previously unconnected datastore can potentially encounter collisions - e.g. they both used int to identify users, now we have to go through a complex resolution process to choose new IDs for the conflicting ones and update all references accordingly.

The downside to using a standard uniqueidentifier in SQL (with newid()) as the primary key is that GUIDs are not sequential, so as new rows are created they are inserted at some arbitrary position in the physical database page, instead of appended to the end. This causes severe page fragmentation for systems that have any substantial insert rate. It can be corrected by using newsequentialid() instead. I discussed this in more detail here.

In general, its best practice to either use newsequentialid() for your GUID primary key, or just don't use GUIDs for the primary key. You can always have a secondary indexed column that stores a GUID, which you can use to keep your references unique.

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Rex M Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 15:10

Rex M