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New posts in unicode-string

Perl: printing Unicode strings to the Windows console

Python 3 - TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

Python 3 - String with \xHH Hex Values to Unicode

Convert unicode symbols \uXXXX in String to Character in Swift

swift unicode-string

Is it advisable to use strcmp or _tcscmp for comparing strings in Unicode versions?

StrRev() Dosent Support UTF-8

Unicode strings in .Net with Hebrew letters and numbers

base64 encoding unicode strings in python 2.7

GIT: does not handle filenames which contain unicode char(e.g. chinese/korean)

how to split a unicode string into list [duplicate]

Get "actual" length of string in Unicode characters

Regex for a (twitter-like) hashtag that allows non-ASCII characters

Word wrapping in pango with mixed scripts

Convert string from xmlcharrefreplace back to utf-8

How do I use 3 and 4-byte Unicode characters with standard C++ strings?

Converting a \u escaped Unicode string to ASCII

PHP - length of string containing emojis/special chars

php unicode unicode-string

Convert hash.digest() to unicode

Is there an STL string class that properly handles Unicode?

c++ unicode stl unicode-string

iOS Localization: Unicode character escape sequences, which have the form '\uxxxx' does not work