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New posts in tuples

cannot create a unary tuple with an empty tuple in it (c++0x)

c++ c++11 tuples

I pickled my tuple

python tuples pickle

Expand std::tuple to use as initialiser for class

c++ c++11 tuples

Applying a function to each element of a tuple

c++ tuples c++14

Does Java have an equivalent variable type to C#'s Tuple?

java c# .net tuples

immutable objects in Python that can have weak references

python python-2.7 oop tuples

F# constructor doesn't accept tuples?

f# constructor tuples

C# workaround for tuple with names

c# linq tuples anonymous-types

Why is sorting a python list of tuples faster when I explicitly provide the key as the first element?

Why tuples are not enumerable in Elixir?

Better use a tuple or numpy array for storing coordinates

Translating a std::tuple into a template parameter pack

How do I put a case class in an rdd and have it act like a tuple(pair)?

scala apache-spark tuples rdd

Any tips to make working with Tuples easier in C#?

c# .net tuples

Empty class in std::tuple

std::tuple_cat but only with unique elements

Return Tuple from Java Method

java tuples

Check if value is between pair of values in a tuple?

python conditional tuples

hashing different tuples in python give identical result

python hash tuples

Applying multiple tuples to the same function (i.e. `apply(f, tuples...)`) without recursion or `tuple_cat`