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Why does the ipython magic function `%timeit -n1 code_block` execute `code_block` multiple times?

python ipython timeit

Why is lambda function execution time different when passed as callable vs being passed as a string statement to timeit.repeat()?

python timeit

Proper way to import when using timeit?

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Speed up loading 24-bit binary data into 16-bit numpy array

Importing a local variable in a function into timeit

python namespaces timeit

How to use else inside Python's timeit

python timeit

Can we run multiple functions each with timeit in the same module

python timeit

Tricky Python string literals in passing parameter to timeit.Timer() function

Using timeit module in a function with arguments

python timeit

Why manual string reverse is worse than slice reverse in Python 2.7? What is the algorithm being used in Slice?

python python-2.7 slice timeit

IPython: How to save timeit values for each iteration

How many CPU cycles one addition take?

python assembly clock timeit

Why does Python's timeit() execute endlessly?

python cpython timeit

Why timeit doesn't work on my code snippet?

python ipython timeit

Python timeit module execution confusion

python python-3.x timeit

timeit.timeit variable importing in python

What does timeit gain by turning off garbage collection?

What do `ns` and `us` stand for in `timeit` result?

python timeit

timeit and its default_timer completely disagree