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public List<(Of <(<'T>)>)>..::..Enumerator?

How do I make a haml-coffee closure which spans multiple lines?

syntax coffeescript haml hamlc

operator member_function_pointer_type() without typedef?

VIM syntax: conditional function coloring

c function vim syntax

Notepad++ and embedded Perl - syntax highlighting inside specific tag

Differences in "prose" and "dot notation" when invoking a method with (explicit) implicit parameters

Syntax for IF Statement in nginx

Is there an opposite of the underscore( _ ) line continuation?

Accessing outer scope with qualified this in extension functions for inner classes

kotlin syntax

directly embedded subreport in JasperReports

How to write less boilerplate in a expression evaluator written with recursion-schemes

When to use 'with' function and why is it good?

r syntax keyword

Unquoted tokens in argument mode involving variable references and subexpressions: why are they sometimes split into multiple arguments?

How to make inline array initialization work like e.g. Dictionary initialization?

Accessing column with df[col] gives: Error 'x' must be atomic for 'sort.list'

C# is there a foreach oneliner available?

c# syntax foreach

Interchange structured data between Haskell and C

c syntax haskell ffi

Why is funcname() = value; valid syntax?

javascript syntax