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New posts in sweave

knitr: Knitting separate Rnw documents within an Rmd document

r knitr sweave r-markdown

How to knit/Sweave to a different file name?

r knitr sweave

Extending Stargazer

r knitr sweave stargazer

How to control the echo width using Sweave

r sweave

Is there a way to define all Sweave options in code?

r sweave

emacs editing Rnw keep region highlighted when highlighting R chunk

emacs r sweave

Make Sweave + RweaveHTML put all graphics in a specified folder

r sweave

How do I get the dependencies for the pgfSweave package (e.g. a current PGF) in MikTeX?

r latex sweave miktex

Changing the Sweave driver from the command line

r latex sweave

Set default arguments to Sweave code chunk

r latex sweave noweb

How to write an if-then statement in LaTeX using the value of an R variable in knitr/Sweave

r latex knitr sweave

Is there a R markdown analog of \SweaveInput{} for modular report generation?

How to get Sweave to put graphics in separate folder AND name them after the Rnw file

r sweave

Adding options [keepaspectratio=true, scale = 0.75] to \includegraphics{} in Sweave

r sweave

Silencing a package load message in Sweave

r sweave knitr

figure* environment in twocolumn knitr/Sweave document

r knitr tex sweave

Column alignment in xtable output

r latex sweave xtable

xtable and header alignment

r latex sweave xtable

Sweave syntax highlighting in output

Including an image using roxygen documentation

r sweave roxygen