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New posts in roxygen

R Roxygen link to parent function

r inheritance roxygen

R using s3 and s4 methods of simulate in the same package

r devtools roxygen s4

Documenting R.oo classes/methods with Roxygen

r roxygen roxygen2

Using a @ sign with roxygen2 [duplicate]

r roxygen roxygen2

Why doesn't roxygen write package info to DESCRIPTION?

r roxygen

New method for plot - how to export?

r generics package roxygen

roxygen2 "Error: titlerequires a value"

r roxygen roxygen2

Can Roxygen really document R script (not a package) just like Doxygen does for C++?

Encoding problem when your package contains functions with non-english characters

r encoding package roxygen

Documenting setter functions with roxygen

How does Roxygen to handle infix binary operators (eg. %in%)?

r roxygen roxygen2

roxygen2 and RStudio, not creating the documentation for the functions

r rstudio roxygen2 roxygen

Preserving indentation in examples section

r roxygen

Is there a way to automatically update the documentation in an R package?

r package manual roxygen

Including an image using roxygen documentation

r sweave roxygen

How to properly document S4 "[" and “[<-“ methods using roxygen?

r roxygen s4

Good reference for Roxygen? [closed]