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R Roxygen link to parent function

Consider a base package XYZ, written by someone else, which has a function ABC, I want to extend the functionality of ABC in my new (NOT XYZ) package via the following method.

ABC <- function(...){


Now I want to document my new function ABC (via Roxygen), creating a link to the parent function for reference purposes.

\code{\link{XYZ::ABC}} does not work, no function cannot be found.

\link{ABC} creates a link to a list of possible candiate Rd files,

How do I create the hyperlink DIRECTLY to the BASE function.

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Nicholas Hamilton Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 15:03

Nicholas Hamilton

1 Answers


This is briefly documented in the Cross-references section of Writing R Extensions:

There are two other forms of optional argument specified as \link[pkg]{foo} and \link[pkg:bar]{foo} to link to the package pkg, to files foo.html and bar.html respectively.

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GSee Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 14:04
