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Is there a way to define all Sweave options in code?




Quoting from the pgfSweave manual:

How do I set subdirectories for gures and caches? This is straight out of the Sweave and cacheSweave manuals (nothing new here). For a figures subdirectory use the prefix.string option:


For a caching subdirectory use a code chunk at the beginning or your document like:


I find it annoying that the two options are in different places, R code vs. latex directive. Is there a way to set the prefix.string option with R code, perhaps before Sweave is called?

like image 262
Andrew Redd Avatar asked Oct 10 '22 18:10

Andrew Redd

1 Answers

Sweave options can be set globally either by using \SweaveOpts or in the call to Sweave, like this:

Sweave("tmp.Rnw", prefix.string="figs/figs")
like image 186
Aaron left Stack Overflow Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10

Aaron left Stack Overflow