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Can I place all sweave figures at the end of the document?

r latex sweave

Sweave not printing localized characters

pdf r sweave

GNUEmacs/ESS/Latex/Sweave: text displays differently when cursor is in latex code or in R code

r emacs latex sweave ess

Is there a way in knitr to evaluate inline code chunks of other languages?

r latex knitr sweave

How can I include hyperlinks in a table within an Sweave document?

r latex knitr sweave xtable

How to include multiple tables programmatically into a Sweave document using R

r latex sweave xtable

how to get sweave to center figures without centering code

r latex sweave

Getting Sweave code chunks to stay inside page margins?

r latex tex sweave

R / Sweave arguments

r arguments sweave

Problems with ggplot and pgfSweave

r latex ggplot2 tikz sweave

How to include a Percent Symbol in an xtable caption using Sweave in R

r latex sweave xtable

Writing an R package vignette that reads in an example file?

r sweave

Package for formatting numeric values in reproducible research

knitr_child throws error after upgrade to R 3.0

r knitr sweave

Multiple plots in a for loop with Sweave

r sweave

ESS & Knitr/Sweave: How to source the Rnw file into an interactive session?

r emacs knitr sweave ess

workflow between Latex and R screwed

r latex sweave

How to use cacheSweave in a batch Sweave call via make?

r sweave

Extracting Code of R function to be used in knitr with controlled width

r knitr sweave

Sweave can't load R packages

r textmate sweave