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SVN pre-commit hook to reject Python files with inconsistent tab usage

python svn pre-commit-hook

Managing Team Development on Shared Website

svn version-control

Minimum set of Delphi 2010 files to move to a SVN repository for compiling

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Teaching Mercurial to SVNers on short notice

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What is the mercurial equivalent of 'svn cat'?

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SVN Info: Last Changed Date?


Is it possible to store a file in SVN which cannot be seen by other users


svn commit fails svn: '/svn/!svn/bc/


SVN: Cannot set svn ignore on a single file


Copying files from svn repository

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Subversion > Merging back into a trunk without --reintegrate?


Creating a Branch in Subversion from a specific Trunk Revision

svn branch

setting up qt creator to work with tortoise svn on windows

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SVN Show Log not working

Any reason against switching from svn to Git Version Control?

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Checkout the git commit corresponding to a certain revision from the old SVN repository?

SVN won't run on brand new Mac OSX install

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How can I checkout different Subversion tags/branches of the same Java project while using Ant/Jenkins?

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Set svn:ignore recursively for a directory structure

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How can I tell SVN that a file was renamed by another tool?

svn rename