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Any reason against switching from svn to Git Version Control?

I have been for a long time now, a happy svn user. Lately I find myself often disconnected from my repository so I'm considering a switch to Git.

Given the fact that I work alone on most of these projects. I'm interested to know if Git is overkill for small projects? Are there many gotchas ahead? is there a very different workflow or a great learning-curve?

like image 834
Mehran Avatar asked Feb 23 '23 10:02


1 Answers

I definitely recommend making the switch, but note that it will take some work. If you find yourself thinking "Oh, [this git concept] is just like [that svn concept]!" be careful, because it may in fact be very different. For example, svn revert means to throw away uncommitted changes. git revert means to create a new commit that undoes the changes that were introduced by one or more existing commits, kind of like an svn "reverse-merge". The git command that is closest to svn revert is probably git checkout. Also, many git commands act on the entire repository, whereas with an svn background, you might expect them to only work on the current subdirectory.

Is git better? IMHO, absolutely yes. But are there some gotchas? Yes.

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Tyler Avatar answered Feb 26 '23 07:02
