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New posts in svnignore

Set svn:ignore recursively for a directory structure

bash svn sed awk svnignore

How to ignore target folder in TortoiseSVN

svn tortoisesvn svnignore

Ignore branches in SVN working copy

SVN not ignoring files

SVN: Ignore externals when committing

svn svn-externals svnignore

Possible to ignore files in RabbitVCS via its right-click menu?

How do I create an ignore list of several items in SVN?

svn svnignore svn-propset

Correct way of integrating SVN source control and Visual Studio .NET 2005/2008?

SVN ignoring hidden files (.project .pydevproject and . files)

svn ignore svnignore

Protect files from svn commit

How do I ignore a file/directory with a space in it with a (tortoise) SVN ignore pattern?

svn tortoisesvn svnignore

Can I override svn:ignore for individual directories?

svn svnignore

GWT .hgignore / .gitignore entries

SVN:ignore how-to and on what?

SVN atomic commit how-to

svn propget svn:ignore . returns nothing, but svn is obviously ignoring my files

svn svnignore

SVN ignore all sub-folders with a specified name

svn svnignore

How can you indicate files to ignore in svn when using git and the git-svn bridge?

Ignore/unignore folders/files in TortoiseSVN

svn:ignore property during import

svn svnignore