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SVN ignoring hidden files (.project .pydevproject and . files)

I want to ignore some hidden files (like .project and .pydevproject) in SVN. They are already in our trunk at the moment so I don't want to delete them from the trunk since it may cause more problems for the other developers. So what I tried to do is to run:

svn propset svn:ignore .project .

but right after that when I run svn status, it returns:

M .

and if I make changes on .project, it still tracks those changes. I also tried global-ignores in /etc/subversion/config, no luck.

What do you think would be the best way to solve this problem?


like image 932
pocoa Avatar asked Jul 04 '11 00:07


1 Answers

svn:ignore works only for the files that haven't been added yet.

Unfortunately you cannot do that in automatic way (at least I don't know any way of doing that).

So all you can do now is:

  1. Delete files from repository with svn rm
  2. Ask developers to store files somewhere before their next svn up
  3. They run svn up and move the deleted files back

Now .project is not tracked by svn and will not appear in svn st

like image 91
zerkms Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10
