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New posts in stdtuple

How to get N-th type from a tuple?

c++ templates c++11 stdtuple

What's the best way to return a tuple from function in C++11?

c++ c++11 stdtuple

Removing the first type of a std::tuple

c++ c++11 stdtuple

Uniform initialization by tuple

How to reduce boilerplate currently necessary for serialization

Why does std::tuple break small-size struct calling convention optimization in C++?

Is using `std::get<I>` on a `std::tuple` guaranteed to be thread-safe for different values of `I`?

What is the reason for `std::make_tuple`?

c++ c++11 stdtuple

STL-pair-like triplet class - do I roll my own?

More silent behaviour changes with C++20 three-way comparison

Why is std::pair faster than std::tuple

C++ std::tuple order of destruction

c++ c++11 std stdtuple

Difference between std::pair and std::tuple with only two members?

How can you iterate over the elements of an std::tuple?