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New posts in stdtuple

Generic comparison operator for structs

c++ c++17 stdtuple

Enable std::get support on class

c++ c++11 stdtuple

Constructor arguments from tuple

Why do I not get guaranteed copy elision with std::tuple?

Why can't std::tuple be element-wise constructed with a std::tuple of compatible types?

What should tuple_map return?

c++ c++17 stdtuple

Structured bindings for your own type that isn’t a struct or a tuple(via public member function)

Optimal way to access std::tuple element in runtime by index

Different behavior when trying to swap two variables using {} and std::make_pair()

c++ c++11 swap std-pair stdtuple

Why does the standard allow a tuple of rvalue references to be assigned to by a tuple of lvalue references?

Produce std::tuple of same type in compile time given its length by a template argument

Why would you explicitly move a forwarding reference?

Is a tuple guaranteed to compress empty elements?

c++ c++11 tuples stdtuple

Requirements for std::ignore

How to get reference to an element of a std::tuple?

c++ reference stdtuple

Making `std::get` play nice with SFINAE

Structured binding to replace std::tie abuse

Is an implementation of std::tuple allowed to fail with triggering a derived-to-base conversion for empty class elements?

Confused by default constructor description of std::tuple in the ISO C++ Standard

Return value optimization of tuple/tie

c++ c++11 stdtuple rvo