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Why do I not get guaranteed copy elision with std::tuple?

I would expect that in C++20 the following code prints nothing between prints of A and B (since I expect guaranteed RVO to kick in). But output is:







So presumably one temporary is being created.

#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
struct INeedElision{
    int i;
        std::cout << "Bye\n";

std::tuple<int, INeedElision> f(){
    int i = 47;
    return {i, {47}};

INeedElision g(){
    return {};

int main()
    std::cout << "A\n"; 
    auto x = f();
    std::cout << "B\n";
    auto y = g();
    std::cout << "C\n";

What is the reason for this behavior? Is there a workaround to avoid copy (without using pointers)?


like image 798
NoSenseEtAl Avatar asked Aug 24 '20 11:08


2 Answers

When constructing std::tuple<int, INeedElision> from {i, {47}}, the selected constructor of std::tuple takes elements by lvalue-reference to const.

tuple( const Types&... args );

Then when use {i, {47}} as the initializer, a temporary INeedElision will be constructed and then passed to the constructor of std::tuple (and get copied). The temporary object will be destroyed immediately and you'll see "Bye" between "A" and "B".

BTW: The 3rd constructor of std::tuple won't be used for this case.

template< class... UTypes >
tuple( UTypes&&... args );

It's a constructor template, and braced-init-list like {47} doesn't have type and can't be deduced by template argument deduction.

On the other hand, if INeedElision has a converting constructor taking int, and make the initializer as {i, 47}, the 3rd constructor of std::tuple will be used and no temporary INeedElision is constructed; the element will be constructed in-place from the int 47.


like image 88
songyuanyao Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 08:11


you only get copy elision if you return the object itself :

std::vector<int> fn1()
   return std::vector<int>{}; // guaranteed copy elision

std::vector<int> fn2()
   std::vector<int> vec;
   return vec; // a good compiler will manage to elide the copy/move here

in your case you are returning tuple so the tuple itself maybe copy elided but not the arguments passed to the constructor of the tuple !

std::tuple<int, INeedElision> f(){

    int i = 47;
    return {i, {47}}; // construct the tuple in place of the return address but the arguments are copied into the tuple and not even moved ! to move call std::move explicitly

the compiler isn't allowed to elide the copy of arguments passed to the tuple constructor because you aren't returning the arguments themselves but rather the tuple containing copy of them . Also note that the table can't hold references to the arguments because these local variables will have been destructed by the time the function returns resulting in a dangling references .

if you want to get a chance for copy elision in c++ 17 and later do something like this :

std::tuple<int, INeedElision> f(){

    std::tuple<int, INeedElision> ret;
    auto& [i, ne] = ret;
    i = 47;
    ne = 47;
    return ret;
like image 1
dev65 Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 09:11
