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New posts in sse

How to perform element-wise left shift with __m128i?

c sse avx

How to find the max member in a __m128(F32vec4)

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Add a constant value to a xmm register in x86

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linear search through uint64[] with SSE

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Using SSE to round in Delphi

Horizontal minimum and position in SSE for unsigned 32-bit integers

Comparing quadwords in xmm

assembly x86 nasm sse

What is the purpose of a movss instruction with [this] as destination?

Tiny SSE addpd loop slightly slower than scalar on AMD Phenom II?

c++ c gcc assembly sse

Array Error - Access violation reading location 0xffffffff

c++ sse simd

Xcode debugging: how to view xmm registers in readable form

xcode debugging sse

Intel C Compiler uses unaligned SIMD moves with aligned memory

SSE inline assembly and possible g++ optimization bug

c++ matrix vector sse

Define a `static const` SIMD Variable within a `C` Function

SSE Loading & Adding

c x86 sse simd intrinsics

How _mm_prefetch works?

What is the difference between _mm512_load_epi32 and _mm512_load_si512?

x86 sse simd intrinsics avx512

How To Store Values In Non-Contiguous Memory Locations With SSE Intrinsics?

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Union with __m256 and array of two __m128

Helping GCC with auto-vectorisation

c++ gcc mingw sse vectorization