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New posts in software-packaging

Build debian package without .orig file

How can I convert a package to an exe using pyinstaller?

Hide Node js application source code

Debian packaging: deploying files to the user home directory

How to edit a wheel package (.whl)?

Autoconf subdirectories with subpackages depending on each other?

What are the best practices for creating Python Distributions(eggs) on(and for) Multiple Operating Systems

How to prevent CMake from creating a symlink for shared libraries on install?

Howto create software package in Unix/Linux?

How to static linking to glibc in cmake

Can I ignore symlinks in setuptools MANIFEST.in?

what does the rpmbuild warning "File listed twice" ACTUALLY MEAN?

Define Version with script in RPM spec file

What is the project directory structure for a standalone Java SE application?

Run unittest from a Python program via a command-line option

How to extract contents from 'Payload' file in a apple macOS update package?