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New posts in smart-pointers

Will a default-constructed (empty) shared_ptr automatically be initialized to nullptr?

c++ c++11 smart-pointers

Why do C++ smart pointer implementations keep the reference counter on the heap together with the pointee?

What are the uses of get() member from the shared_ptr class?

Why Mutex was designed to need an Arc in Rust

Operator overload of class wrapped in smart pointers

How to store a list of smart pointers inside a c++ class?

Return private unique_ptr in public member function

c++ smart-pointers

QScopedPointer, boost::scoped_ptr - why complaining about incomplete types?

c++ c boost qt4 smart-pointers

Is there a performance/memory usage impact in non-polymorphic inheritance?

How to include only BOOST smart pointer codes into a project?

What type of pointer should I pass to a method in C++11?

c++ pointers smart-pointers

C++ shared_ptr vs. unique_ptr for resource management

Understand smart pointers in Rust

rust smart-pointers

C++ Smart Pointers in a Vector container

Letting go of auto_ptr

How to insert elements into a multidimensional vector of unique pointers?

Why can't intrusive_ptr and shared_ptr be used with boost::intrusive containers?

Making a QSharedPointer<void>

Using Smart Pointers in Cython for Dynamically Allocated Arrays