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Understand smart pointers in Rust

I am a newbie to Rust and writing to understand the "Smart pointers" in Rust. I have basic understanding of how smart pointers works in C++ and has been using it for memory management since a few years ago. But to my very much surprise, Rust also provides such utility explicitly.

Because from a tutorial here (https://pcwalton.github.io/2013/03/18/an-overview-of-memory-management-in-rust.html), it seems that every raw pointers have been automatically wrapped with a smart pointer, which seems very reasonable. Then why do we still need such Box<T>, Rc<T>, and Ref<T> stuff? According to this specification: https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch15-00-smart-pointers.html

Any comments will be apprecicated a lot. Thanks.

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lllllllllllll Avatar asked Mar 09 '19 08:03


People also ask

Does Rust use smart pointers?

Rust has a variety of smart pointers defined in the standard library that provide functionality beyond that provided by references. To explore the general concept, we'll look at a couple of different examples of smart pointers, including a reference counting smart pointer type.

How does a smart pointer work?

A smart pointer is like a regular (typed) pointer, like "char*", except when the pointer itself goes out of scope then what it points to is deleted as well. You can use it like you would a regular pointer, by using "->", but not if you need an actual pointer to the data. For that, you can use "&*ptr".

How does RC work in Rust?

The Rc<T> type keeps track of the number of references to a value to determine whether or not the value is still in use. If there are zero references to a value, the value can be cleaned up without any references becoming invalid.

Should you use pointers in Rust?

Rust has a number of different smart pointer types in its standard library, but there are two types that are extra-special. Much of Rust's safety comes from compile-time checks, but raw pointers don't have such guarantees, and are unsafe to use.

2 Answers

You can think about the difference between a T and a Box<T> as the difference between a statically allocated object and a dynamically allocated object (the latter being created via a new expression in C++ terms).

In Rust, both T and Box<T> represent a variable that has ownership over the referent object (i.e. when the variable goes out of scope, the object will be destroyed, whether it was stored by value or by reference). On the contrary, &T and &mut T represent borrowing of the object (i.e. these variables are not responsible for destroying the object, and they cannot outlive the owner of the object).

By default, you'd probably want to use T, but sometimes you might want (or have) to use Box<T>. For example, you would use a Box<T> if you want to own a T that's too large to be allocated in place. You would also use it when the object doesn't have a known size at all, which means that your only choice to store it or pass it around is through the "pointer" (the Box<T>).

In Rust, an object is generally either mutable or aliased, but not both. If you have given out immutable references to an object, you normally need to wait until those references are over before you can mutate that object again.

Additionally, Rust's immutability is transitive. If you receive an object immutably, it means that you have access to its contents (and the contents of those contents, and so on) also immutably.

Normally, all of these things are enforced at compile time. This means that you catch errors faster, but you are limited to being able to express only what the compiler can prove statically.

Like T and Box<T>, you may sometimes use RefCell<T>, which is another ownership type. But unlike T and Box<T>, the RefCell<T> enforces the borrow checking rules at runtime instead of compile time, meaning that sometimes you can do things with it that are safe but wouldn't pass the compiler's static borrow checker. The main example for this is getting a mutable reference to the interior of an object that was received immutably (which, under the statically enforced rules of Rust, would make the entire interior immutable).

The types Ref<T> and RefMut<T> are the runtime-checked equivalents of &T and &mut T respectively.

(EDIT: This whole thing is somewhat of a lie. &mut really means "unique borrow" and & means "non-unique borrow". Certain types, like mutexes, can be non-uniquely but still mutably borrowed, because otherwise they would be useless.)

Rust's ownership model tries to push you to write programs in which objects' lifetimes are known at compile time. This works well in certain scenarios, but makes other scenarios difficult or impossible to express.

Rc<T> and its atomic sibling Arc<T> are reference-counting wrappers of T. They offer you an alternative to the ownership model.

They are useful when you want to use and properly dispose an object, but it is not easy (or possible) to determine, at the moment you're writing the code, which specific variable should be the owner of that object (and therefore should take care of disposing it). Much like in C++, this means that there is no single owner of the object and that the object will be disposed by the last reference-counting wrapper that points to it.

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Theodoros Chatzigiannakis Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11

Theodoros Chatzigiannakis

The article you linked uses outdated syntax. Certain smart pointers used to have special names and associated syntax that has been removed since some time before Rust 1.0:

  • Box<T> replaced ~T ("owned pointers")
  • Rc<T> replaced @T ("managed pointers")

Because the Internet never forgets, you can still find pre-1.0 documentation and articles (such as the one you linked) that use the old syntax. Check the date of the article: if it's before May 2015, you're dealing with an early, unstable Rust.

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trent Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11
