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New posts in smart-pointers

Passing a CComPtr to a function with a raw pointer prototype

c++ com smart-pointers

Accessor functions for containers with std::unique_ptr

c++ api smart-pointers

Getting started with smart pointers in C++

using mem_fun() for container of smart pointers

c++ stl smart-pointers

Alternatives to pointer-to-pointers in C++?

c++ pointers smart-pointers

Object storing a non-owning reference that must be informed before the reference is destructed

Can you forget about Checked-Delete when using C++11 smart pointers?

Display smart pointers in eclipse cdt using gdb pretty printers

Smart Pointer Implementation in C [duplicate]

c pointers smart-pointers c99

Memset for Unique Pointers

c++ smart-pointers

Can a smart pointer be optimized away?

c++ c++11 smart-pointers

Another type of smart ptr, like unique_ptr with weak refs?

c++ c++14 smart-pointers

C++ Reinforcement learning and smart pointers

Why do the std smart pointer type destructors not inherit the noexcept dtor status of the pointed to object

Smart Pointer operator=

How to use lambda as std::unique_ptr's Deleter?

Using smart pointers in a struct or class

Implementing a list with unique_ptr<>?

c++ c++11 smart-pointers

Using std::unique_ptr for managing COM objects

c++ c++11 com smart-pointers

Delphi XE7 smart pointers