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New posts in smart-pointers

C++11 using unique_ptr with custom deleter

c++ c++11 std smart-pointers

Create a vector of shared_ptr to ints

How to create a cyclic reference with Arc and Weak?

Weak/Strong Reference Pointer Relationship

Is this a valid use of intrusive_ptr?

c++ boost smart-pointers

Which header should be used for using scoped_ptr

shared_ptr for a raw pointer argument

make_shared "evidence" vs default construct

Get a pointer pointer for a smart pointer

Preferred way of creating shared pointers

c++ qt smart-pointers

Circular dependency: can't delete an incomplete type

c++ oop smart-pointers

Why does std::unique_ptr have an equality operator?

C++ "smart pointer" template that auto-converts to bare pointer but can't be explicitly deleted

c++ unique pointer: memory leak

How to use smart pointer for auto clean-up?

What's wrong to reset std::unique_ptr to pointer to array?

Read-write thread-safe smart pointer in C++, x86-64

Vector of smart pointers destructor call

c++ c++11 smart-pointers

QList of QScopedPointers

Smart pointers - unique_ptr for a stack-allocated variable