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New posts in smart-pointers

How do I call make_shared or make_unique with a templated Constructor

Are C++ smart pointers lockfree?

unique_ptr ownership semantics

When to use unique_ptr instead of local object?

Order of destruction parent and child

c++ class smart-pointers

Why does "weak.lock()" return "nullptr" with the definition of "auto weak=std::make_shared<int>(42);"?

c++ smart-pointers

keeping shared_ptr use_count() at 1

c++ c++17 smart-pointers

Passing a smart pointer as argument inside a class: scoped_ptr or shared_ptr?

c++ class boost smart-pointers

How should smart pointers get down casted?

c++ stl smart-pointers

Reference count when returning a shared_ptr

c++ smart-pointers

Add an item in a container of smart pointers

unique ptr initialisation assertion failure

Is there a use case for std::unique_ptr<std::array<T,N>>

shall I delete smart pointer manually?

c++ smart-pointers

C++11 smart pointers always instead of new/delete?

Operating on dynamic memory, is it meaningful to overload a const memeber function?

Why does unique_ptr<T>::~unique_ptr need the definition of T?

c++ c++11 std smart-pointers

C++ Visitor pattern with smart pointers

Syntax for dynamically allocating a 2D array of smart pointers

Smart pointers with addrinfo struct