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New posts in shader

Pixelated lighting shader

Swift / SpriteKit: How to create a water drop effect?

ThreeJS [r85]: Custom Shader with Shadowmap

Unity - 2D shader / lighting like Terraria or Starbound

c# unity3d 2d shader light

Computing shading through a transparent surface

graphics shader raytracing

Rotating a texture on a Fragment Shader in GLSL ES

rotation shader glsles

Efficient way to manage matrices within a graphic application using Texture Buffer Object(s) (OpenGL)

Transformation in vertex shader only works with post-multiplying

opengl matrix glsl shader

C++: Removing Moire effect from openGL

How to use SCNBufferBindingBlock in SceneKit?

swift shader scenekit metal

Can GLSL output to two/multiple textures at the same time?

Have 3d text shader be non-emissive?

unity3d shader

Texture for illuminated objects in aframe

shader aframe

How to get texture coordinate to GLSL in version 150?

glsl shader textures

MIME type for shader code

What is this technique, if not bilinear filtering?

cylinder impostor in GLSL

Three.js Retrieve data from WebGLRenderTarget (water sim)

Get world position in shader of Unity's new PostProcessing stack?

unity3d shader

why should we go in eye-space coordinates during fragment stage in the OpenGL pipeline?

c++ opengl shader